News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, May 11, 2015

"It is in the process of being worshipped that God communicates His presence to men." C.S Lewis

This Sunday was as crazy as ever going to long hours of church!  What added to the fun was my companions tried to abandon me! As we were mingling with the members, brother Nanto (counselor to the bishop) came up and asked me if I could play some prelude (I end up doing that quite often because the two sisters who are supposed to do it are late a lot).  So I of course said yes and went up to play prelude, assuming that, since Sister Hong was standing right next to me, she had heard the conversation.  So I am up there playing away and looking to see who is at church, watching for the two sisters who are supposed to play.  Meanwhile, my companions are looking for me and starting to panic, thinking I have gotten kidnapped or something.  In fact they actually left the chapel and searched the whole building for me!  And there I am, obliviously playing the piano.  I had no idea they had even left!  Sister Nielsen finally saw me when they came back in the chapel... 
Also adding to the chaos of Sunday, Michael was baptized!! Such an amazing baptism!  He has come so far!  Once a gang member who saw some of his family members killed! He even cried at his baptism!  Right after the baptism, we hurried into the Kannapolis ward where Heyward got confirmed!  (They did it at the end so we could be there).  And his baptism on Saturday was the best!  Even though Brother Morse (who was supposed to be filling the font) scared us because we got there and the font was not getting filled!  Luckily, God made sure one of the doors was left unlocked for us so we could fill it up! :)  His non member Sister came and was crying the whole time.  Heyward also shared his testimony and it was beautiful as he shared how he had been about to give up on life when God sent the Sister missionaries to knock on his door!  I know that God really does care about us as His children and that He is always there to help us when we reach out.  He loves us and wants to help!  My challenge to you is to look for the tender mercies or little miracles God sends your way everyday and to thank Him for those things!  :)
Sure love you!

Sister Morris

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