News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

"Try a little harder to be a little better." President Hinckley

This week has been lots of fun!  Michael and Amanda got married on Saturday!  It was so much fun to see that and the cultural hall looked great!  We also got to talk to some of her friends and her mom about the gospel! :) Amanda is great at sharing with them and that is very helpful for us!
Also this week, the youth speaker who spoke during sacrament meeting sat on the stand and proceeded to pick his nose and eat it.  Gross! Please do not do that!  Okay?  So un-classy!  Just saying.... Also, some drunk man bought us dinner yesterday.  Since it was a proselyting day instead of p-day, we ended up far away from home so we ate out instead.  And then the drunk man the table over paid for our meals...getting drunk is also not classy, so don't do that either!  :) Anyway, p-day on Tuesday is so strange!  I feel like it is Monday, but it is not.... This week will probably go by way too fast!
We went on exchanges with the Spanish sisters this week and that was lots of fun!  We have some people here that speak Spanish and we set them up for that day.  And WOW do Spanish people talk fast!!  Ha ha I am sure I looked pretty funny with my mouth hanging open!
Anyway, serving a mission is the best and I love getting to see people change and grow!  The atonement of Christ is real!  And it works!
Sure love ya!

Sister Morris
These are all from Michael and Amanda's wedding! 
The cake is beautiful!  A member of the ward made it!

 It was so much fun!

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