News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, June 1, 2015

"no man knows how bad he is until he has tried really hard to be good" CS Lewis

So my companion sometimes sleepwalks...and the other night, she turns the light on (the light switch happens to be right over my head) and is just standing there.  So I said, "are you okay?"  Her reply, "I am just looking for our other companion!" ...not at all creepy!  I told her to go back to bed....
Also, I love text messages!  This week, we followed up with a member about a friend of hers we were praying for and she told us that the elders had actually talked with her friend.  We asked her how they found her and her reply: "they were out trekking and knocked on her door".  Yep.  That is how we do missionary work here in the south!  :)
One evening this week, we got home pretty late and as we were going to walk up the stairs to our apartment, I noticed the biggest spider I have ever seen!  I think it was a wolf spider?  About four times the size of the ones in Utah though!  Anyway, we kind of freaked ourselves out a little bit and neither of us wanted to go up the stairs.  So we had backed off when all of the sudden Sister Steimle was screaming and grabbing me –turns out our neighbor in the apt building next to ours had come out with her mini little dog who had come up and sniffed Sister Steimle...our neighbor was laughing so hard at us!  And I don't blame her!  I ended up just running up the stairs as fast as I could and my companion followed me.  And we didn't end up getting eaten by the spider!  But now I look for it every time we go home....
We went over to Carla's to teach and she was making dinner.  Only her idea of dinner is way different than mine!  She had these weird potato type things and green bananas that she proceeded to throw into a pot to boil.  Yes, she boiled bananas!  And even more shocking, I tried actually tasted kind of like a potato... Very strange!  I guess that is a common meal in Trinidad.... She loved church -Yay! :) she really felt the spirit and did not want to leave.  For sacrament meeting, it was all about temples and we explained to her briefly what those are and gave her a temple card.  She said she wants to go there!  I love how when people are open to it, the sprit can witness to their hearts that the temple is somewhere they need to be :) the third hour was a special about pornography and the destructive influence it has.  Pornography is everywhere!  They were talking about some of the statistics like 90% of 7-16 year olds have been exposed to pornography and that the pornography industry makes more than YouTube, face-book, and a bunch of other businesses Combined!  Scary!  Just as God is hastening His work, Satan is hastening his!  We talked a lot about how important it is to have a talk with family members, like during FHE, and ask when the last time was everyone had seen pornography.  And pay attention to the responses!  President Craven has always told us that we had better ask that to anyone we are considering marrying as well.  If they are defensive, get out!
Connie Denton also got back from Florida this week so we were able to continue the new member lessons with her and she is just amazing!  She has so much faith that everything will work out!  She faithfully pays tithing even though she makes minimum wage and is taking care of 9 other people.  She is the only one that works and she makes $900 dollars a month.  $500 goes to rent -she also has to pay utilizes and the rest goes to food because she doesn't have custody of her grandchildren, the government won't recognize them as living there so she can't get any monetary help from the government. As we were talking to her, she was talking about how grateful she was for the food the church had given them and that she had only had to go without food for three days so her grandchildren could eat.
A funny moment- we realized we needed to change our voice-mail and we were so tired!  Sister Steimle started recording, "hi!  You have reached the local representatives of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Sister Morris and Sister Steimle. We are sorry we missed your call but if you call us back..." that was where I busted up laughing...if you call us back we still probably won't answer would be most accurate!  Once we finally got control of ourselves, which took like ten failed ones as we busted up laughing, she then said the same thing again!  Ha ha, yep! Sleep-depravation does funny things! :)
Anyway, I hope y’all have a great week!
Love you!
Sister Morris
This picture almost looks fake!  I love the clouds though!

selfies in the car

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