News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

If you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life. D&C 14:7

This week, so much happened!  Last Monday evening, we went on exchanges with the Matthews sisters and had a lot of fun!  It is always fun to see other sisters areas and they have the cutest family they are teaching from Africa!  They are so excited about the gospel and love hearing it!  The dad is actually a member and he served a mission!  Work has just gotten between him and the church but His family is super receptive! Once I got home from the exchange, at about 9:00, we ended up throwing an unplanned party!  Sister steimle's mom sent a bunch of party decorations that ended up all over!  Especially the confetti!  We had a lot of fun making a mess of our apartment! :)  We did eventually get around to planning...
         Also this week, we had a final zone conference with president and sister Craven!  It was a wonderful meeting where we talked about everything from how to give a talk to the new mission president to expanding our vision and faith.  I love president and sister Craven!! They are amazing and have done so much for this mission!  I can't believe their mission is coming to an end so soon!  Sister Steimle and I cried as sister and President Craven were talking about the change of mission presidents coming and then, they wanted a picture!  Really?  Haha, my nose and eyes are red in that picture I am sure! Anyway, I sure love y'all and hope you have a blessed week!
Sister Morris  
pictures at the park

car wash

 lots of corn!

picnic!  Actually, using the wifi -
because we are back on Facebook!

I love sister craven!  And I look really tall!  :)

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