News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

"We should certainly count our blessings, but we should also make our blessings count." - Elder Neal A. Maxwell

This week, we walked into sacrament meeting and saw all the members of the stake presidency—turns out, they were reorganizing the bishopric!  So we have Bishop Nanto, Brother King, and Wheatley now!
Michael Johnson also receives the Aaronic priesthood this week! :)  He is so amazing and willing to change!  We taught him about the no piercings for men standard and he immediately took his out.  I love getting to see people show forth their faith! This week, we attended MLC and then worked on our training for Friday.
We also were asked last Sunday to teach relief society so we worked on that as well this week.  For zone meeting, we trained about stress and how the Atonement covers stress too.  No matter what we are worried about or what is weighing us down, Christ paid for it.  For relief society, we talked about....wait for it...missionary work!  :)
This week, Sister Steimle was exhausted and took a nap during our lunch hour.  When I tried to wake her up, she asked, "do I have to get up?  I'm so tired!"  I told her yes and that I could splash water on her if that would help.  Her reply was, "do that and I'll punch you!" The funny thing is she has absolutely no recollection of this conversation!
Also this week, as we were sitting in sacrament meeting, Sister
Steimle leaned over to say something to me, but I didn't notice because I was busy moving my arm to cough.  So fist and face collided! And that is how I accidentally punched my companion during sacrament meeting!  Luckily, it wasn't very hard...but still!
Also, the fireflies are out in force!  Sister Steimle hasn't ever seen them before so she runs around trying to catch them—and we keep running into adorable kittens!  I love spring! :)
This week, I went on exchanges to Harrisburg and met a woman who is 24 and has 5 kids and is on her third marriage!  Isn't that crazy!  As I sat there in her run down trailer, I thought about how different our lives are and how much the gospel would help her find what she is looking for.  Even though she has been through a lot of hard times, the Atonement pays the price and can take away the hurt.  I testified to her that the gospel of Jesus Christ will help her in every aspect of her life, as a mother, as a wife, everything!  Christ is there for us!
         Also, you can tell you are a missionary when the elders knock on your door and offer doughnuts in exchange for bibles... :)
I hope y’all have a wonderful week!
Sure love ya!

Sister Morris

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