News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

"The Lord is no stranger to His servants here." President Packer

look!  Goslings in our apartment complex!  They are so cute!

I got a new companion!  Her name is Sister Steimle and she is from California (Orange County area).  She is also quite a bit shorter than me! We will have to get a picture one of these days!  Anyway, Sister Hong and Sister Nielsen did manage to get all packed (though I wondered about Sister Hong!  We weighed her bag like seventy times!).  The zone really got changed a lot during this transfer!  There are 16 companionships and only three stayed the same!  Three Sister areas closed :( Michael got confirmed this Sunday!  We are so excited for Michael and Amanda because they are getting married next weekend! Then eventually in a year, they will get to go to the temple!!  Eternal family in the making! :)
We also saw a lot of miracles this week as we were led to people willing to listen!  It was especially fun to have Amanda go with us! She is so enthusiastic about the gospel and not afraid to share it with anyone!  It was a great experience to have her with us :) I love the recent converts in this ward!  They are so happy and excited to share the gospel and want to go with us all day!
I hope y'all have a great week!
Sure love y’all!
Sister Morris
Race season is starting!

Sister Stiemle and I!

there are so many semis with race cars inside- Crazy!
couldn't get a picture where you could see
just how many semis there 

Sister Steimle holding one of the kittens

They are so tiny!
mommy kitty with some of her babies

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