News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take!

Last Monday was Sister Hong's birthday so we made her a happy birthday sign!  It also felt like we went shopping twice because we went to the actual store and then we picked up a bunch of things from Sister Hong's apartment :)
Later that evening, we were contacting a bible referral and it was pretty close to nine.  Anyway, we knock on the front door and this Mexican man comes around the corner of the house, which is not all that surprising.  People here do not use their front doors.  As a matter of fact, lots of people have furniture in front of their front door so it won't even open!  What was surprising is this man had a pit bull trying to pull him off his feet and looked like he wanted to eat us!  Luckily, when he saw it was just three girls in skirts, he said "oh" and disappeared back around the corner to get rid of the dog...I can't help but wonder if he would have set the dog on the elders if it had been them knocking?!
Also this week, we met someone who belongs to the cowboy church. Yep— cowboy church. Who knew?  There are apparently some all over the place here, in the west, etc.  he also invited us to their tent revival....
So as a standard in our mission, meeting shoes and tracting shoes are two different things.  So i have some black shoes that have a heel on them that I use for meetings and then my black comfy shoes for everything else.  Anyway, we had a district meeting and I knew we weren't going to get back to our apartment for some time so I brought along my comfy shoes to change into.  Only I later realized I had grabbed one silver and one black shoe.  Yep.  Moral of the story, don't try to grab your shoes in the dark!  So I had to wear my heals all day!
Anyways time to go now!  Sister Hong and Sister Nielsen both need to be packed by the 12th (they are both going home) and we need to clean the Kannapolis apartment really well for the two new sisters!
Sure love ya!

Sister Morris

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