News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, June 29, 2015

When you judge others you do not define them. You define yourself.

Last Monday we headed out to Kannapolis to contact a bible referral.  On the way back to concord, the roads were covered in leaves and a whole road was blocked because a tree had fallen down!  As we continued driving, we realized we missed an epic storm!  We stopped to take a picture of one of the downed trees. Molly said the police office was going crazy from all the downed trees!
Tuesday, as Sister Steimle was getting in the car, she whacked her head really hard on the car door and got an epic bruise from it. #shortpersonProblems :)  we eventually stopped at QT to get some ice for her head, but not before we helped the Gross family move!  They had all their stuff in a semi truck and it was super hot that day (of course). We all looked gross afterwards!
Also, my MTC companion is in my zone now!  Weird!  And fun!  We have always been in opposite parts of the mission until now!  Transfers didn't really change too much though because President Craven was keeping things pretty much the same since we are getting a new mission president.  The Alexander's are actually coming today!  Or they could already be here... At stake high council meeting this week, we talked a lot about the just serve program that is starting out here.  Sounds like it will be a really neat resource for members and missionaries! :)
This week, we were visiting a really cute family named the Lamberts. The mom is Kayla and she has five kids.  The oldest, eight years old, was excited to see us and again and she had started reading the Book of Mormon on her own!  She is such a smart kid and loves learning more about God!   It is so amazing how the spirit really touches all hearts, no matter the age or knowledge! Also this week, Carla shared the Book of Mormon twice!  This is someone who has only read seven chapters in the Book of Mormon!  Yet she has shared what she does know-that it makes her feel good.  I think sometimes, I forget that sharing the gospel doesn't have to be complicated!  It is really very simple and the spirit is there to help us! :)
Also, after teaching Carla (who lives in our apt complex) we went home and there was a huge spider on our door!  So we called Carla and she and Dashawn came over to rescue us!  He brought a big ole bat to get it and everything :)  yay for good neighbors! Also this week, we had dinner with a member in our ward and she told us that she had thought about canceling and how she didn't want to go out with us afterwards because she had just learned that her son is suicidal again.  And then she said, "then I thought about it and I thought, what if the missionaries were trying to visit my son and couldn’t because they couldn't get a ride?  Then I knew I had to come out with you!"  What a wonderful example of faith and of turning outwards in times of trial!  I love concord!
Hope y’all have a great week!
Sister Morris

okay, so this puppy is the cutest thing ever! 

I sent a few pictures so you can get the full effect

YES, this is a lizard climbing on my companion...they have kittens, bunnies, puppies, etc!
Here is one of the downed trees!  Crazy!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Let the decisions you make today, be the choices you can live with tomorrow!

Monday, we got some free tickets and went to an aquarium!  It was really neat and is actually in a mall!  So not super big or anything but lots of fun! :)  seriously, that mall is huge!  It has just about every store you can think of plus some!  You would get foot sore walking from one end to the other!
The peppermint shrimp eat dead skin!  
So kind of like a manicure going on here!
yes...This is indeed a purple and pink house.
In the historic 
district of mt pleasant.... 
It has also been super hot this week!  Over 100 most days!  And it still throws me off that the heat of the day is at 5:00 instead of at noon!  Doesn't really give it much chance to cool down in the evening unfortunately....

As we were driving down the road this week, Sister Steimle was driving and there was a fruit fly in the car.  And she was just freaking out about how it was in her way and how annoying it was and she couldn't see so she started shooing it over to my side of the car so I could smash it.  About 30 seconds later, we get a text from the elders asking if we had managed to kill the bug.  Yep.  I can just imagine how ridiculous we looked and the elders were there for it...yes I did kill the bug.  RIP fruit fly!
Also this week, we went to see a former investigator and offered to help her move.  When we and the elders got there, we ended up helping her hook a trailer up to the truck and that is it.  The rest of the time, she was asking us questions like "I want to learn more, what do I do?"  And "I read the pamphlet, how do I get a hold of a Book of Mormon?"  That doesn't happen everyday!  But she is really sweet and just devoured the restoration!  She loves the story of Joseph Smith and feels like her story is similar.  The only problem is she has post traumatic stress from an abusive relationship and because of that hasn't left her house in years.  It is a miracle she is even okay with them moving (they are moving to an adjacent piece of property).  She is super willing to change though!  She also showed us their farm... they have pigs, ducks, a pony, a donkey, a bunch of chickens, and dogs!  They also have a pond on their new property that has a lot of fish in it!
This week in relief society, we had a great lesson about the Book of Mormon and how we want to spread it everywhere!  Carla (investigator who has read about seven chapters of the Book of Mormon) immediately took to the challenge of giving out a copy of the Book of Mormon this week!  I love it when people get so excited about the Book of Mormon and want to share it!
Hope y’all have a wonderful week and get the chance to share the Book of Mormon with someone!
Sure love y’all!

Sister Morris

lots of fish!  Sister Johnson and Sister Buckner went with us!

LOOK!  I found Dori!!

we teach all nations and creatures about the plan of redemption

oh look!  She has a treat in that bag for me!

uh excuse me!  You can't leave!  You didn't give me my treat!!

maybe if I lick her face she will give me a treat!

 we found the cowboy church!!!

district picture!

We rescued an injured bird!  Out friends the travises said if we
caught it they would nurse it back to health!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

If you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life. D&C 14:7

This week, so much happened!  Last Monday evening, we went on exchanges with the Matthews sisters and had a lot of fun!  It is always fun to see other sisters areas and they have the cutest family they are teaching from Africa!  They are so excited about the gospel and love hearing it!  The dad is actually a member and he served a mission!  Work has just gotten between him and the church but His family is super receptive! Once I got home from the exchange, at about 9:00, we ended up throwing an unplanned party!  Sister steimle's mom sent a bunch of party decorations that ended up all over!  Especially the confetti!  We had a lot of fun making a mess of our apartment! :)  We did eventually get around to planning...
         Also this week, we had a final zone conference with president and sister Craven!  It was a wonderful meeting where we talked about everything from how to give a talk to the new mission president to expanding our vision and faith.  I love president and sister Craven!! They are amazing and have done so much for this mission!  I can't believe their mission is coming to an end so soon!  Sister Steimle and I cried as sister and President Craven were talking about the change of mission presidents coming and then, they wanted a picture!  Really?  Haha, my nose and eyes are red in that picture I am sure! Anyway, I sure love y'all and hope you have a blessed week!
Sister Morris  
pictures at the park

car wash

 lots of corn!

picnic!  Actually, using the wifi -
because we are back on Facebook!

I love sister craven!  And I look really tall!  :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

"We should certainly count our blessings, but we should also make our blessings count." - Elder Neal A. Maxwell

This week, we walked into sacrament meeting and saw all the members of the stake presidency—turns out, they were reorganizing the bishopric!  So we have Bishop Nanto, Brother King, and Wheatley now!
Michael Johnson also receives the Aaronic priesthood this week! :)  He is so amazing and willing to change!  We taught him about the no piercings for men standard and he immediately took his out.  I love getting to see people show forth their faith! This week, we attended MLC and then worked on our training for Friday.
We also were asked last Sunday to teach relief society so we worked on that as well this week.  For zone meeting, we trained about stress and how the Atonement covers stress too.  No matter what we are worried about or what is weighing us down, Christ paid for it.  For relief society, we talked about....wait for it...missionary work!  :)
This week, Sister Steimle was exhausted and took a nap during our lunch hour.  When I tried to wake her up, she asked, "do I have to get up?  I'm so tired!"  I told her yes and that I could splash water on her if that would help.  Her reply was, "do that and I'll punch you!" The funny thing is she has absolutely no recollection of this conversation!
Also this week, as we were sitting in sacrament meeting, Sister
Steimle leaned over to say something to me, but I didn't notice because I was busy moving my arm to cough.  So fist and face collided! And that is how I accidentally punched my companion during sacrament meeting!  Luckily, it wasn't very hard...but still!
Also, the fireflies are out in force!  Sister Steimle hasn't ever seen them before so she runs around trying to catch them—and we keep running into adorable kittens!  I love spring! :)
This week, I went on exchanges to Harrisburg and met a woman who is 24 and has 5 kids and is on her third marriage!  Isn't that crazy!  As I sat there in her run down trailer, I thought about how different our lives are and how much the gospel would help her find what she is looking for.  Even though she has been through a lot of hard times, the Atonement pays the price and can take away the hurt.  I testified to her that the gospel of Jesus Christ will help her in every aspect of her life, as a mother, as a wife, everything!  Christ is there for us!
         Also, you can tell you are a missionary when the elders knock on your door and offer doughnuts in exchange for bibles... :)
I hope y’all have a wonderful week!
Sure love ya!

Sister Morris