News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, June 16, 2014

"I must testify of the blessings of daily scripture study and prayer and weekly FHE. These are the very practices that help take away stress, give direction to our lives, and add protection to our homes." Sister Reeves GC

     So this week has been really fun since it was my birthday on Monday and sister Perea's on Saturday!  We got soo much cake!  Too bad neither of us are really big fans of cake...But we had a lot of people that wanted to feed us for our birthdays! Like the Kastenlniks (Faith is a less-active who was baptized at 17 and inactive by 19...She was a do not contact that Sister Perea contacted anyway with one of her former companions but when the missionaries met her son Eddie and started teaching him, she let the missionaries start coming.  She is our favorite less-active to teach!) Anyway, the three of them had us over for dinner and we had some really yummy spaghetti and chocolate cake.  We felt really special because we ate in the formal dinning room which they have not used in 15 plus years!  
     Anyway, we are hoping to help Faith come back to church and tell her she should bring her husband as well (they are catholic). Also, Sister Jessup (less-active) had us over for lunch and she bought us cupcakes as well.  She is really sweet and enjoys our visits. And the Gordon Lindsay family (you have to specify since there are three Lindsay families) had us over for dinner...And that was interesting!  Evaline pulled out her tooth at the dinner table and had to use napkins to get it to stop bleeding.  And Clair said, "Everyone! Listen!  I'm going to tell you a dream.  Except I don't have dreams so I am going to make it up."  And Brother Gordon ended up at the mini table because Clair and Bonnie were fighting...It was just overall a really fun dinner! We also ate with the story family who made a multi-layered cake. They were all really cute, giving us origami and happy birthday signs they had made. Also, It is soo humid today!  We are dying!  Hopefully it will not be that humid tomorrow!
Anyway, hope y'all are having a great day!
Sister Morris                                                      
My companion in the MTC--Sister Grace

Our visit to the Provo Temple

our bedroom

a frog i caught

The Really cute calendar from the Rasmussens!!!  I love it!!

thank you everyone for your birthday wishes!
and i love the scarf....

Cupcakes that Sister Bridges got for me on my birthday!
They were soo good!

This is my cat-friend.  She belongs to Sister Jessup.

This is me and Padrigh Story.  He is my favorite! 

Zoey is the cute (2 yr old) grandchild of one of our less-actives Sister Wagner! 

This is Sister Wagner...Zoey wanted to take a picture of nana!

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