News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, June 2, 2014

"We can all be more consistently involved in missionary work by replacing our fear with real faith." Elder Ballard

So I went on my first exchange this week!  I went to Guilford with Sister Kenyon, and Sister Perea and Sister Lewis stayed here in Summerfield.  It was pretty fun.  We went knocking doors and for some reason, the only people that were answering were Jews who were all offended we were going to try and share a message about Jesus Christ with them...It was really weird that there were so many of them there!  
           Anyway, I did not realize that the mosquitos were out for the summer yet, so i got like 15 bug bites that day!  But the good thing is that it is also warm enough for the fireflies to be out!!  :)  They are so pretty!  We want to catch some in a jar at some point!
So yesterday was fast Sunday and Brother Bridges got up and was talking about how he and his wife had been driving along and just feeling depressed over the hard times in their lives when sister Bridges's phone got a notification from Facebook with a scripture,  "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: Not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." And he talked about how that scripture had been perfect for them at that moment.  And then he thanked me for listening to the Spirit and posting that just when they needed it!  It was an amazing feeling to know that my face book post had helped them!  The funny thing is, I was actually posting it for our investigator Nicole to see...Because we committed her to be baptized when she finds out the Book of Mormon is true, the next day, her 18 month old baby is in the hospital!  Crazy how Satan works!  But it is also amazing how The Lord has perfect timing!  
Also funny this week...So we were teaching our investigator Zac and we were teaching him outside.  So we started out in the shade, but as time went on, the shade moved and we didn’t...And since we were sitting sideways, only my right arm got sunburned!!  The same thing happened to Sister Perea!  Good thing she was sitting to my right!  Because if I had been in the sun for a longer time, I would have really burnt!  Because she got burned on her right arm and she is way more tan than me!!  
Anyway, i hope all of y'all are having an Amazing week!

Love, Sister A. Morris

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