News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, June 30, 2014

We are here to influence the world rather than have the world influence us!

     So this week, everyone who plays the piano or organ decided to go out of town all at once.  So guess who played the piano In sacrament meeting? Yep.  Me.  And I was up there so worried about playing and looking at what songs we were going to do that I was oblivious to the fact that the stake presidency was sitting on the stand...  I had no idea until they announced the bishop was being released that we were getting a new bishopric. Yep.  Probably i should have gotten the hint when bishop was crying while he was conducting....but he cries every time he conducts!  (Kind of reminds me of someone I know....) So our new bishop is bishop Tanner.
     I also ended up playing in primary as well.  That is always fun! :) those kids say the funniest things! Also, we had zone conference this last week.  So we are all told to prepare talks and then when we get there, it is announced who is speaking.  So elder Witaker got up and announced a bunch of people...and then just before the last one could go, he got up again and I was like, ah man!  He is going to announce my name right now. Yep.  He did.  So I gave my talk about prophets...and I pretty much have no idea what I said because I was so nervous.  But a lot of people said I did a really good job....  sister Perea was laughing at me because my hands were shaking so hard when I sat down. Anyway, I hope everyone is having a fabulous week!
Love, sister morris

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