News from North Carolina

News from North Carolina

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Holy Ghost is always the Teacher anytime, anywhere pure truth is taught. That is His privilege, that is His stewardship.

     So we had a really great time doing service this week for a less-active/part-member family.  They were doing a garage sale and we went over to help clean stuff up and get it ready for the next day.  It turns out that Faith collects pencils and we had to force her to put them out. Seriously, even she was surprised at how many pencils she had collected over the years!  We filled up an entire table with just pencils!  It was crazy!  And she had a ton of beanie animals she had collected, thinking they would be worth something, but turns out they aren't...  And she had a huge collection of purses that she had stored downstairs they had grown mold on them, so we had to clean them off.  Anyway, it worked out really nice because we didn't have any dinner that night and the Kostelniks ended up buying us pizza as a thank you.  (They also tried to pay us and we were like, no!  It was service!).
     Anyway, we got eaten alive this week!!  I have so many bites on my legs!  It is awful!  And itchy!   I guess I need to take bug spray with me everywhere so I can reapply!
     We also had a great dinner with the Lindsay's yesterday!  They are soo funny!  Brother Lindsay does a really good imitation of an older brother in our ward and they were showing how to light matches on your teeth....  Yep.  That is the Lindsay family for you!
Anyway, I hope you all are having a great day!
Sister morris

This is my wall!  I'm thinking i should fill up the whole thing!  That would be fun! 

This is the nasty bug we found on our wall...I stood on the couch and sprayed it with Raid
Sister Perea tried to smack it with a broom when it fell...Yep.
That was an epic fail!  It ran under the couch...We hope it's dead

We love biking!  Not!
 This picture was at like 9am and it was soo hot

This is Shelby Cordell who is heading to the Mexican MTC on Wednesday.
 Spanish-speaking Arizona!  Crazy that she is already leaving!
She was the first member of our ward I ever met (drove us home from Charlotte)

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